Ten Draft Reapportionment Maps Available for Public Review

The Reapportionment Committee has published ten draft maps, which are available for public review at www.ReapportionANC.org.

Ten Draft Reapportionment Maps Available for Public Review

Press Release

The Reapportionment Committee has published ten draft maps, which are available for public review at www.ReapportionANC.org. The committee’s contractor Resource Data produced five maps and members of the public produced an additional five maps.

The maps will be presented tonight at a Town Hall at the Marston Theatre at Loussac Library from 6-8pm. Large print copies will be on display and a presentation will include a projection of the maps with several of the map makers on hand to describe their maps.

Tonight’s Town Hall follows yesterday’s virtual Town Hall, in which all of the map makers were on hand to present their maps and answer audience questions about the maps. The recordings of both Town Halls will soon be available at the Assembly’s YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZDEuWj4IxdlwBhqrk62_XA

The Reapportionment Committee will meet virtually tomorrow, Friday 28 at 9:30am to discuss the process for forwarding maps to the Anchorage Assembly for public hearings and adoption. The meeting will be on Teams and can be accessed by the public by calling (907) 519-0237​ with the conference ID: 964 024 898​​#​.


Every ten years after the U.S. Census is complete, governments across the country update their election districts to match the new population data. In Anchorage, the process is called Reapportionment and is led by a Reapportionment Committee, which is charged with reviewing the State final redistricting plan, taking public input, and developing proposed maps for the Anchorage Assembly to consider for adoption. This Reapportionment will include a new 12th Assembly seat that was approved by Municipality of Anchorage voters in 2020. Due to the late completion of the U.S. Census, and therefore the State redistricting plan, the municipal reapportionment will not be completed in time for the upcoming election, so the final adopted plan will go into effect for elections occurring after April 2022.
