Report: Bomb Threats Made Against Several Alaska Schools

Report: Bomb Threats Made Against Several Alaska Schools

An email from Chief Academic Officer Sven Gustafson to Anchorage School District (ASD) employees, states that a chilling bomb threat made against numerous schools across the state was received today by a dozen Alaska school district superintendents and some ASD staff members.

An email sent by Anchorage School District Chief Academic Officer documenting bomb threats made against several Alaska schools.

The email was provided to me by multiple ASD staff.

The threatening email containing the bomb threat has been reported to multiple law enforcement agencies including Homeland Security and the Alaska FBI. According to the email, today's threat is believed to be broad in nature and lacking in specific information but is being taken seriously by the Anchorage School District.

The bomb threat against Alaska schools is the second this year. In February, the Anchorage Police Department investigated false bomb threats made against Anchorage city schools. Those threats came just hours after Fox News published a poorly written account of a February 7th Anchorage School Board meeting where local activist, Jay McDonald, falsely claimed that a controversial book was circulating amongst students in a school library. In response, school board members received death threats and menacing emails.

The timing of today's bomb threat could be seen as especially suspicious given that three anti-LGBTQ organizations: Moms for Liberty, Alaska Family Council, and Alaska Parents' Rights in Education have attempted to rally their forces into testifying at tonight's Anchorage School Board meeting, alleging the school district is hiding gender issues from parents and guardians.

Interestingly, the Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District did not receive today's emailed bomb threat.

This afternoon, the Alaska State Troopers who are investigating the source of the threat in collaboration with the FBI's Anchorage Field Office, said that the bomb threat did not appear to be credible.