Moms for Liberty Anchorage: A New Deranged "Save" Chapter Begins

They simply couldn't resist the alluring stench of extremism, but given they tried and failed to 'Save Anchorage' from masks, vaccines, and those pesky left-leaning Assembly members, I suppose it was inevitable.
Amidst a colossal wave of staggering defeats in school board races nationwide, the extremist organization Moms for Liberty (M4L) has launched its Anchorage chapter. The local chapter is laser-focused on banning books in school libraries, spreading baseless anti-LGBTQ conspiracy theories, and pushing harmful and discriminatory policies against LGBTQ students.
Because extremist organizations love operating in total and full transparency, M4L Anchorage has made its Facebook group available to all those who wish to join. Just click here!
According to M4L Anchorage, which announced its launch by coordinating with the right-wing blogs Alaska Watchman and Must Read Alaska, far-right figure Gabby Ide will serve as chapter chair, which makes sense, especially since she has an axe to grind with the school district. Ide, an ally of former ASD school superintendent and Dunleavy sycophant Dr. Deena Bishop, is also a member of the anti-government Alaska Parents' Rights in Education Facebook group. Her...personal views...suit her well to lead the extremist organization's Anchorage chapter toward its inevitable demise.

M4L has not yet publicly named the individuals who will serve as the chapter's vice chair, secretary, or treasurer.
Notably, former Bronson chief of staff Sami Graham, disgraced former public library deputy director Judy Eledge, and former library advisory board member Doug Weimann have all expressed support and enthusiasm for the extremist organization's local chapter.

Organizers planned the launch of M4L Anchorage to coincide with the upcoming Anchorage School Board races, a destined-to-fail strategy in purplish Anchorage that attempts to mirror the playbook of the M4L Mat-Su chapter, which launched last April. After appearing on the political scene, M4L Mat-Su rapidly issued endorsements supporting right-wing school board members Ole Larson and Kathy McCollum in their re-election campaigns, hoping to create the false impression that the organization was influential.
Larson narrowly avoided defeat last year by a mere 249 votes after candidate Diane Shibe mounted a strong campaign to oust him.
The Alaska Family Council (AFC), an organization that raises funds through anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and seeks to influence legislators to support socially regressive and bigoted policies, could offer support to M4L Anchorage. AFC President Jim Minnery has already signaled his support for the extremist organization and, in September, attacked the Anchorage School Board with a big fat lie - accusing the school district of hiding gender identity issues from parents. (So scary sounding!)

The inaugural meeting of the local chapter will take place on Tuesday, February 13th, at 6:00 PM, at the Anchorage Cross and Anchor Church (that tracks) situated at 6505 DeBarr Road. Democrats, progressives, sane Republicans, and other interested parties are warmly invited to attend.
The joys of selective liberty and politicized anti-LGBTQ hate are upon us! No, but seriously, aren't we all tired of these right-wing lunatics trying to save Anchorage from their own non-existent manufactured crisis?
Oh, and to be clear, Moms for Liberty has never been about saving or protecting children; rather, it's all about mocking and directing hate towards the LGBTQ+ community and their allies. ⬇️