[insert chapter name here]: Railing Against 'Secrecy' While Demanding It

[insert chapter name here]: Railing Against 'Secrecy' While Demanding It

The leadership team of Moms for Liberty's Anchorage chapter spends a lot of time on top of their social media soapboxes, railing against the supposed secrecy perpetuated by our public educational system. Yet, in a twist surprising nobody, a document reveals the merry band of online gay bashers, trans haters, and book banners insist their members keep a tight lid on the extremist group's activities.

None of this is shocking, really. I mean, it's a classic sign of a cult to demand unwavering loyalty and obedience from its willing, drooling legion. But what is notable is how Moms for Liberty screeches incessantly about the lack of "transparency" and "accountability" from school board members and administration officials while hypocritically cloaking their political operations in secrecy, enforcing an unyielding contractual loyalty among their members and shielding the hate group's true intentions from the public eye.

[insert chapter name here]

Prospective book-banning extremists looking to join Moms for Liberty's ranks must first sign a code of conduct. The document details that by signing, they agree to "Faithfully abide by the By-laws and Policies of Moms for Liberty, Inc., and Moms for Liberty–Anchorage, AK," and acknowledge that they accept the code as a minimum guideline for ethical conduct.

Metadata embedded in the document reveals that Marie Rogerson, Moms for Liberty's Executive Director of Program Development, authored the code of conduct. According to her online bio, Rogerson also doubles as a right-wing political operative, helping "liberty-minded" candidates run for political office.

It struck me as amusing that, for a hate group so obsessed with the standards of others, Moms for Liberty Anchorage missed personalizing their chapter name. It's a lazy and stupid oversight that undercuts their supposed commitment to excellence and attention to detail.

Isn't Moms for Liberty Anchorage's vice-chair an Anchorage School District teacher? How did this happen? #embarrassing.

But back to the thing, the confidentiality clause, demanding clan members "Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information known due to membership involvement," can be interpreted as an instruction for individuals to keep the organization's activities and internal affairs hush-hush.

Given Moms for Liberty's focus on promoting specific right-wing political agendas and conspiracy theories, its well-documented history of controversial actions, and dark money funding, the clause clearly intends to encourage a culture of secrecy and loyalty. It states that members are expected to avoid sharing any information that could be damaging if it became public knowledge, thereby maintaining a controlled narrative and protecting the organization from external scrutiny and criticism—cuz, transparency!

A second bullet point highlights the organization's efforts to conceal its membership roster, keeping its "constituent data" under lock and key. This includes information about individuals who support or are associated with Moms for Liberty, such as names, contact information, political affiliations, or other relevant details.

And this all makes sense, right? I mean, if you're a hate group masquerading as a non-profit and working in lockstep with the Proud Boys, Christian Nationalists, and far-right blogs and figures to harass students, teachers, and librarians, you definitely wouldn't want external parties to use this information to *gasp* criticize your activities.

Chattanooga Times Cartoon, Clay Bennett.

But again, none of this is shocking. Moms for Liberty's blatant hypocrisy is, after all, the hallmark of their operation: loudly decrying the lack of openness in public education while meticulously shielding their own dark-money-fueled, anti-LGBTQ conspiracy-laden political activities and membership from the light of day. If only they spent as much time practicing what they preach as they do crafting their baseless outrage lies, they might actually contribute something constructive to the public education conversation. But alas, that would require a level of integrity they clearly lack.
