Flyer distributed at "Alaska Freedom Convoy" event alleges ASD school board members being personally sued

Screenshots of a flyer said to have been distributed by unknown individuals at Eagle River Assemblyperson Jamie Allard's "Alaska Freedom Convoy" event on Sunday, claim that members of the Anchorage School Board are being personally sued for masking children.

Flyer distributed at "Alaska Freedom Convoy" event alleges ASD school board members being personally sued

Screenshots of a flyer circulating on social media and said to have been distributed by unknown individuals at Eagle River Assemblyperson Jamie Allard's "Alaska Freedom Convoy" event on Sunday, claim that members of the Anchorage School Board are being personally sued for masking children.

The flyer asks parents whose children have suffered from symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea and increased acne since the Anchorage School District implemented its mask mandate, to text or call a telephone number printed on the flyer.

The flyer was also shared to the far-right astroturfed Alaska Parents' Rights in Education Facebook group, which believes LGBT militant activism is fostered in both public schools and libraries and whose members sometimes share misinformation related to mask-wearing, COVID-19 and vaccines. Members of the group also share content published by far-right blogs and other online publications such as the Epoch Times.

Ownership of the telephone number printed on the flyer couldn't immediately be verified, but according to publicly available records, the number may be associated with an Alaska resident who resides in Eagle River.

A previous effort to sue the Anchorage School District over its masking policy that was promoted by far-right Eagle River Assemblyperson Jamie Allard, failed tremendously when Elizabeth Welsh, an administrator of the Alaskans for Children’s Right to Breathe Facebook group announced last month that although they raised more than $15,000 for the asinine lawsuit, they were unable to find a lawyer who would or could take the case.

Welsh wrote that all donations had been returned to donors.

It's not clear if there is an organized effort to personally sue members of the ASD school board or what, if any, other individuals, organizations or groups might be involved in any such effort.