Flip-Floppy Allard Flip-Flops on 'Bronsonville' Wants to Hold Homeless "Accountable"

Flip-Floppy Allard Flip-Flops on 'Bronsonville' Wants to Hold Homeless "Accountable"

Save Anchorage member and Bronson supporter Eagle River Assemblywoman Jamie Allard has come out in support of the Bronson administration's plan to build a large mass shelter in East Anchorage.

Take this all with a grain of salt because Allard made the announcement on her personal Facebook page and shouldn't be considered "official." I'm posting this in the event you're one of the people unfortunate (or fortunate) enough to be blocked on Facebook by Allard.

Allard wrote that she has read the Mayor's plan and has been briefed in work sessions, town halls, and Assembly meetings in addition to receiving emails, text messages, and phone calls from community members.

After meeting today with Mayor Bronson, Dr. Morris, and the executive team, Allard wrote that "holding our homeless population accountable in making better choices assist(ing) as needed with drug and alcohol rehab, mental health issues and temporary sheltering to permanent housing solutions," will help make the homeless productive members of society.

Allard wrote with a "smaller population limit, clarification of funding sources, safety concerns addressed" that our community could move forward to solve Anchorage's homeless population.

Worth noting is Dr. Morris's previous assertion that 'Bronsonville' wasn't going to solve homelessness.

"I'm supporting the administration's plan with the Navigation Center, and I'm asking that you will too," wrote the Save Anchorage member.

It's not clear if Allard supports the use of CARESAct funds to build the Mayor's proposed East Anchorage mass shelter.

A previous statement made last week in 'Save Anchorage' by Assembly person Allard.
Another previous statement made last week in Save Anchorage by Allard

But she did ask readers to contact her via email with the location of homeless camps in the city so that "we can assist and provide temporary shelter now."