Bronson Claims Deepstate Librarians Working to Subvert Agenda of Unqualified Deputy Library Director

Far-right conservative activist Judy Eledge received a big pat on the back last night after anti-LGBTQ demagogue Anchorage Mayor David Bronson claimed she was doing a great job working as the unqualified deputy director of the Anchorage Public Library.
Eledge, who drew condemnation and criticism last year over her grotesque social media posts, was the subject of a petition created by Anchorage Action co-founder Andrew Gray who sought her removal from the library's leadership. The petition, which received over 1200 signatures, was presented to the Bronson administration at last night's Anchorage Assembly meeting, where the mayor summarily dismissed it.
As I've previously detailed, Eledge believes librarians think too much alike to be trusted and suggested librarians have been plotting against her. Mayor Bronson elevated that conspiracy theory in remarks he made at last night's Assembly meeting defending Eledge.
"She's [Eledge] a 75-year-old woman, and she has got a lot of employees who actively work against her. We don't know if that's even legal what they are doing. I appreciate Judy's service more than you can imagine … She is a dedicated employee, she is doing a great job, and she continues to have my undying and unquestioned support."
Yes, you read that correctly; Mayor Bronson, without speaking to specifics, questioned whether longtime dedicated servants of the Anchorage Public Library might be engaged in some form of illegal activity.
Some library employees have claimed that Eledge has fostered a toxic work environment. Former APL librarian Linda Klein said she believed that both Eledge and Municipal Manager Amy Demboski actively sought to control the community's free access to information and promote a repressive, right-wing agenda.