Bombshell: Dunleavy's handpicked UA Regent hires 'Alaska Grown' anti-government extremist Schaeffer Cox

Seth Church, a right-wing political activist and business entrepreneur who faced controversy after Governor Mike Dunleavy appointed him to the University of Alaska Board of Regents last June, has gone and done a most interesting thing! And no, he isn't dancing again with former RNC Chair and overall MAGA lunatic Rona McDaniel.
Church, if you did not know, is the same Seth Church who, as president of Alaska Policy Partners, donated $12,500 to the Alaska Policy Partners PAC, a sleazy group that sent attack mailers against moderate Republican and Democratic candidates in the days leading up to the 2022 election.If that sounds vaguely familiar, it's because one of those big lie mailers targeted Senator Scott Kawasaki—falsely accusing him of living at home in his mother's basement.
Critics of Church's appointment zeroed in on his lack of a college degree and political background, arguing that he was an inappropriate pick for a role that wields significant influence over UA's academic and administrative policies. Just imagine if NASA hired a flat-earther astronaut.

Church's social media history is about what one would expect from a Dunleavy appointee. He has made numerous inflammatory posts, once celebrating the overturning of Roe v. Wade and attacking Republican U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski for her support of Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. This and other kooky posts, including his derogatory comments about former President Barack Obama, reflect a polarizing presence that many critics believed was inappropriate for someone tasked with oversight of an educational institution.

Oh, and P.S. - Church also previously sat on the Board of Directors of the Alaska Policy Forum, a dark money-funded right-wing conservative think tank that, like Gov. Dunleavy, strongly advocates using public money to fund private and religious schools, a direct violation of Alaska’s Constitution. Most unsurprisingly, Church has donated tens of thousands of dollars to far-right Alaska Republican candidates, including...wait for it...Mike Dunleavy.
By the way, none of the salient details surrounding Church mattered because...well...I don't know why. 🤷♀️

While all of the above is interesting background, it intends only to lay the framework for the insanity surrounding what comes next—Alaska’s own infamous militia man, Schaeffer Cox, has found new employment under none other than...yep, Dunleavy appointee Seth Church.
Dunleavy, Church, and Schaeffer Cox: A Troubling Trio
For those unfamiliar with Cox’s story, here's a quick refresher. Once the fiery leader of the Alaska Peacemakers Militia, Cox had big dreams—if one considers big dreams to be a plot to kidnap and murder a judge in the hopes his ragtag group of "patriots" would ignite the "brushfires of liberty" and begin the next revolution! Cox, who was stockpiling weapons while planning his revolution, once said that his efforts to send the government packing put him in the same tradition as America's founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin.
Cox’s descent into extremism was punctuated by his involvement in various extremist activities and organizations. In 2009, he was a delegate for Alaska to the Continental Congress, an event that brought together anti-government activists and militia leaders. Cox organized the Fairbanks-based Second Amendment Task Force. During a very special gathering of rootin' tootin' gun-loving extremists, he penned a declaration demanding the abolition of the United States government if it further restricted gun rights, including taxing ammunition. This gathering, held at a Fairbanks Denny's restaurant, was attended by former U.S. Representative Don Young, who signed Cox's declaration.

Cox also identified as a member of the sovereign citizen movement, a group that rejects the authority of government institutions. If "sovereign citizen" rings a bell, that's because you likely read this week's reporting that a Palmer man, whose flight certificate was revoked after a near-collision last year and is now facing federal charges, identifies as a sovereign citizen weirdo.
Cox's affiliations and actions paint the picture of a man deeply entrenched in anti-government ideology, willing to go to extreme lengths to defend his beliefs. From illegal possession of a machine gun to a trove of grenades he planned to use, his paranoia and delusions of grandeur eventually landed him a nearly 26-year federal sentence. After a partial reversal in 2019 of the charges that sent him to a federal penitentiary, he currently resides at a halfway house and works for a company owned and managed by Church.
For anyone wanting all the details of Cox's descent into extremism, read The Blood of Patriots by undercover FBI informant Bill Fulton and former Alaska political blogger Jeanne Devon. The book reveals the terrifying extent of Cox's plan and his utter disregard for the law, human life, and rational thought.
So how does a man like Cox transition to Seth Church's employ? It's difficult to know. It could be because Church has a simple appreciation for a rebellious spirit—or maybe he just sees something in Cox that the rest of us don't. Or, you know, maybe it's something else.

After all, Church himself is no stranger to controversy. With a resume that includes donating thousands of dollars to a PAC responsible for running those big lie attack ads against reasonable and sane political candidates and cozying up to far-right ideologies, it’s not entirely surprising that he’d have a soft spot for Cox. 🥰
Noteworthy is that Cox's bio on Church's business website curiously whitewashes any mention of his anti-government ideology, instead describing him as a "likable guy" and an "elegantly efficient problem solver." That is, as we say, quite the spin! But it's nice to see Republicans taking such an interest in the rehabilitation of federal prisoners!

One can only imagine the conversations in the break room at Church’s business now. Perhaps they discuss the finer points of sovereign citizen ideology over instant coffee or share tips on the best places to stockpile ammunition.
When Governor Mike Dunleavy handpicked Church to serve on the Board of Regents last year, many speculated that the appointment resulted from Church's long history of political activism, which included donating thousands of dollars to far-right Republican candidates like Gabrielle LeDoux, Dave Donley, Liz Vazquez, Dave Bronson, Bart Lebon, James Kaufman, Christopher Kurka, and even Dunleavy himself.
While this might hold some truth, another possibility exists: Church and Dunleavy share a deep bond over their aligned values (and I mean that in a bad way.) This theory gains plausibility when one considers this striking photograph taken at a public event where Dunleavy addressed a crowd of "patriots." If you look closely, you'll see T-shirts prominently displayed in the background bearing the ominous slogan 'All Enemies Foreign and Domestic'.

This slogan, originating from the oaths taken by military and public officials, has been co-opted by far-right militia movements and extremist groups to signify a readiness to oppose perceived threats from the U.S. Government but failing to realize that they themselves are the threat.
Get mad at me if you want, but in this particular instance, Dunleavy's appointment of Church is significant given the Board of Regents' influence over the University of Alaska's policies and direction.
Whatever the reasons Dunleavy appointed Church, and whatever the reasons Church hired Cox, this unholy trinity is a stark reminder that, in Alaska, the line separating political activism from extremism is perilously thin.
If you feel that the University of Alaska shouldn't have an anti-government sympathizer on its board of regents, get in touch! I'm sure they'd love to hear from you!