APOC Staff Report Due June 21

APOC Staff Report Due June 21

The Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC) has reached an agreement with Bronson for Mayor in response to a complaint made last month by the Dunbar campaign, which alleged campaign finance regulation violations. The agreement is related to the due dates of APOC's staff report and the Bronson campaign's response.

According to the Order Granting Stipulation to Waive Deadlines, APOC's staff report is due on June 21, 2021. If it chooses to respond, Bronson for Mayor's response is due on July 1, 2021, the day Anchorage Mayor-Elect Bronson becomes mayor.

The hearing in this matter will occur during the next scheduled meeting with the exact time and date yet to be determined according to the Order.

Earlier this morning, APOC was made aware by Dunbar campaign treasurer Paula DeLaiarro that the Bronson for Mayor campaign website was being used to recruit potential hires for Municipal jobs. The Bronson for Mayor website now shows that the "Recruitment" link is "Temporarily Down."