American Academy of Pediatrics letter to Anchorage Chief Medical Officer Dr. Michael Savitt

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) sent a scorching letter today to Anchorage Chief Medical Officer Dr. Michael Savitt regarding his deceptive misrepresentation of COVID-related information at a recent Anchorage Assembly meeting.
In their letter, the AAP first took issue with a response he gave to Assemblymember Jamie Allard, in which Dr. Savitt testified that "all of the [COVID] numbers look good."
"By no standard public health definition is a rate of 115 cases per 100,000 residents per day, a "good" number," the letter states.
Elsewhere in the letter, the AAP asserts that Dr. Savitt's "insinuation" that there were only 181 active cases of COVID-19 outside of the Anchorage School District was a "grossly misleading comment at a time when there are an average of 339 new cases per day in Anchorage and each of these cases is "active" for at least 10 days."
"There are easily several THOUSAND active COVID-19 cases in Anchorage at this very moment," the letter states, which then continues, "comparing a single day's INCIDENT case to the Anchorage School District's well monitored ACTIVE case dashboard is incompetent at best and disinformation at worst."
But wait, that's not all.
The letter states AAP's "grave concerns" about the objectivity of Dr. Savitt's testimony.
"You, in your official capacity as Chief Medical Officer of the Anchorage Health Department, provided the factually dubious statements summarized above at the behest of an assembly member, in essence testifying AGAINST one of the very public health interventions that you have previously stated you support," the letter states.
"As your colleagues and peers, as well as concerned citizens of this city, we no longer feel that you demonstrate the ability to accurately and objectively advocate for the public welfare of the residents of this community."
If you can't trust the Anchorage Chief Medical Officer, who didn't know what a reproductive number was, who can you trust? Whatever happened to Janet Johnston? Is she still available?
You can read the letter sent to Dr. Savitt below.