"A" for effort, but the recall of far-right Assembly person will not proceed.

The Recall Jamie Allard group has ended their efforts to recall Jamie Allard after the group was unable to collect the necessary number of signatures by the required due date that might have advanced the initiative.

"A" for effort, but the recall of far-right Assembly person will not proceed.

The true grassroots effort to recall Eagle River Assembly Person Jamie Allard, unable to collect the necessary signatures required to advance the initiative, has ended.

The recall effort faced an uphill battle to begin with as the far-right Nazi sympathizing Save Anchorage member enjoys great support in her kingdom of Eagle River. Eagle River is known for producing other quality politicians such as vaccine conspiracy theorist Lora Reinbold and Anchorage Shadow Mayor 'BS' Amy Demboski.

Allard's White Knights, some associated with the far-right shadowy Save Anchorage operation, referred to proponents of the recall effort as "communist pigs" and other childish language on social media. According to the recall group, a Save Anchorage moderator "aggressively" engaged with the group on Twitter, referring to them as "cowards, hypocrites" and of "fabricating" unknown stuff about Allard.

Allard supporters are also said to have started confrontations at signature gathering locations.

In one alleged incident, according to Recall Allard lead Chelsea Foster, a man confiscated the clipboard containing signatures the group had collected at the Eagle River Carrs supermarket in November — allegedly hiding it behind his back. When the man eventually did return the clipboard, Foster, who is approximately 5'1" tall, said he did so forcefully that her body shifted.

Foster says she was able to photograph the man and his vehicle before he left the store parking lot but was unable to document the vehicle's license plate number. She said she did call the Anchorage Police Department and filed a police report (21-037819) and that the supermarket had since provided security footage to APD.

Foster provided The Blue Alaskan with an email she sent to the APD officer assigned to the still open case.

That an Allard supporter might engage in such alleged conduct shouldn't be found surprising.

Last January, Allard shared a screenshot on Facebook containing an email sent to her by a constituent. The constituent alleged that the unredacted email led to her being harassed by Allard's cultists who have fetishized the far-right Assembly person.

Allard’s attack dogs, hunting for the constituent online, tracked her down and bombarded her Facebook inbox with messages. Many individuals called her place of employment and demanded she be terminated over the email she sent to her elected representative.

It remains unclear if, after the alleged doxxing incident, whether Allard's overly protective supporters rolled out a gold statue in her honor and danced around it — while popping ivermectin tablets and washing them down with warm mugs of frothy urine to keep the covid away.

In any event, I think it has become clear that in the face of three recent failed recalls, we've learned that they are divisive and a tremendous waste of resources. We've also learned that if you can't recall a far-right Nazi sympathizing fascist, who can you recall?

I'd be remiss if I left out this post made by the "political organization" whose recall of Rivera was defeated by 13 points and who did worse in the asinine attempt to recall Meg Zaletel which failed by 19.8 points. Man, I sure did nazi see that coming.